We've been sharpening clipper blades in our workshop for nearly 40 years. With our advanced clipper blade sharpening machinery, and expert know-how, Acto are able to offer a prompt and professional blade sharpening service for all types of blades; horse, dog, human, cat, cattle, deer, sheep, goat, llama & alpaca.
We sharpen most brands of clipper blades from all around NZ for vets, professional dog groomers, home pet groomers, farmers, hairdressers, barbers, private horse owners, professional horse groomers & racing stables
Click on our easy-to-followClipper Blade Sharpening Formwhich will guide you through how to send your blades to us for sharpening, as well as the cost per set plus return freight
CLIPPER BLADE SHARPENING FORM Download a copy of our clipper blade sharpening form here DOWNLOAD NOW